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What's in a name!

The word, ‘erothanatos,’ was first used by an American poet, Leonard Wheeler as the title of a poem. Later, he used the same for his 1882 collection of poetry. Wheeler’s poem, Erothanatos, illustrated the life of an imaginary youth, who was often swayed between joy of life and melancholy. Sometimes intellectual and emotional inertia functioned in him. Though Wheeler did not explain his title, it is clear that he used the word as an amalgamation of two Greek gods-- love-making and melancholia. In his preface to the collection, Erothanatos and Sonnets, Wheeler wrote,

            “Death rends the delicate fabric of his love-consecrated dream, and the grave engulfs the object of his adoration. Thus desolated, he abandons himself to miserable grief and the fearful passion of hopeless sorrow. The poem intends to picture his feelings and thoughts from this stage of despair, through the contemplative changes of introspective analysis, through the chaos of scepticism, to the celestial hope and unalienable faith in the after life of divine love beyond the grave.”

            The title, Wheeler used, was not a Freudian term. Freud defined melancholia and death-instinct, and their conflict with life-instict much later than the publication of Erothanatos and Sonnets. But, here, we have consciously used the term as a Freudian concept-- the idea that our mind works as a conflict between the life-instinct (eros) and death-instinct (thanatos). So we have borrowed the title of our journal from psychology; more specifically from Freud. Yet it is not a journal of psychology; it is a literary journal. We are only on that point that literature is born within the conflict of the two instincts. In fact, our journal is open for any literary, philosophical, historical and sociological perspective on literature.






Publishing Versions:

Erothanatos is published both as print version and online version. Selected articles, poems and other contributions are published in print version. Whereas online version is freely accessible, the print version is to be purchased at the cost of  8 USD or 600 INR excluding shipping charge.



Publishing Frequency:

Erothanatos, both web and print versions, is published quarterly (in January, April, July, and October).




Aim and Scope of the Journal

Erothanatos encourages authors to engage in research on literature. The authors are requested to submit articles which reflect high-quality research and innovation. Eothanatos tries to develop the qualities of the journal articles continuously. 




Open Access Statement

All the contents of this journal are Open Access contents. The contents of publications is primarily conducted by the possibilities of the openness of knowledge, and freedom of access to it for all.






Erothanatos archives all the issues previously published.




Academic Contribution

Erothanatos is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to literature, offering a platform for scholarly articles, critical essays, book reviews, and poetry. Established with the aim of fostering high-quality research and innovation in literary studies, the journal encourages contributions that explore diverse literary, philosophical, historical, and sociological perspectives. 

      One of the journal's notable initiatives is its focus on translating Indian poetry and short stories from regional languages into English. This endeavor seeks to bridge linguistic gaps and introduce the rich literary traditions of India's regional authors to a broader audience. Accompanying these translations are research articles that provide critical insights into the translated works, enhancing their academic value. 

        Erothanatos also features a serialized section titled "Irreversible," inviting articles that delve into irreversible conditions in literary works and theories, often resulting from conflicts or other causes. This section encourages deep analytical discourse on themes of permanence and change within literature. 

      To ensure the integrity and quality of its publications, Erothanatos adheres to a double-blind peer review process, maintaining transparency and upholding ethical standards in scholarly publishing.    

        In summary, Erothanatos significantly contributes to the academic community by promoting diverse literary research, facilitating cross-cultural literary exchanges through translations, and upholding rigorous peer-review standards to enrich the field of literary studies.





The website is user-friendly, with a straightforward navigation menu that allows visitors to easily explore various sections. However, the site mentions undergoing a significant transformation in its Data Management System to incorporate CrossRef DOIs, which may temporarily affect the viewing and downloading of published works. Overall, the Erothanatos website effectively serves its purpose as an academic journal platform, providing essential resources and information to its readership.





Distribution and Marketing

Erothanatos preserves last few issues and volumes as they were published online. Other backward punlications are also available on the website which are arranged according to the name(s) of the author.

The Alternative
Sailen Moulick Sarani; Hridaypur; Barasat;
Dist.: North 24 Parganas; West Bengal.

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