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Scholarly Article

Mahbuba Sarker Shama

Dear Ijeawele: A Marxist Analysis

base, superstructure, ideology, hegemony, Marxism.


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in Dear Ijeawele or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions (2017) provides fifteen suggestions to her childhood friend Ijeawele who seeks the advice of the writer regarding how to raise her baby girl Chizalum Adaora up a feminist. Nothing so far has been done to connect this essay with any theory. Therefore, this paper attempts to study Dear Ijeawele or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions (2017) from the perspective of Marxism. Here men are considered as the upper class who governs females through hegemony while women are the proletariat or lower class who believes in the ideology of the patriarchal society. It shows that Adichie wants women not to become a commodity. Rather, females must develop their own economic base as well as identity. So, this paper delves into details into the analysis Dear Ijeawele as it has deep-rooted connection with Marxist point of view.

About the Author

Mahbuba Sarker Shama is a Senior Lecturer, Department of English, World University of Bangladesh.

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