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Scholarly Article

Sabuj Sarkar

Sipping the Cup on Wheels: Contextualizing Tea and Indian Railway in Select Tea Narratives

Tea, Indian Railways, British, Colonizers


Tea culture in India has a rich history closely linked with the Indian Railways. Both were introduced by the British colonizers who planned and executed the setup in India. The railways and tea have had a significant impact on the life and culture of the country. In the post-colonial era, the railways and tea have become complementary, further strengthening their relationship. Throughout this article, a thorough analysis has been conducted to carefully select particular tea narratives that provide detailed descriptions and insightful analysis regarding the various contexts in which tea is consumed while traveling on Indian railways. The paper also highlights the efforts made by Indian authors to create an environment that seamlessly blends foreign concepts with Indian values. Despite initial hurdles and challenges, these ideas have been transformed into Indian versions and widely accepted by the Indian population. The article delves into the cultural significance of tea consumption during train journeys and its impact on Indian society over time.

About the Author

Sabuj Sarkar is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Gour Banga, Malda. His areas of interest are Postcolonial literature, Food History, and Folk Literature. He travels a lot and is a consistent academic and creative writer.

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