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Scholarly Article

Subrata Biswas

Irreversible Situation and the Articulation of Disorder in Things Fall Apart

disorder, chaos, ambivalence, irreversibility, disintegration, cultural violence,
toxic masculinity


Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart shows cultural disintegration in the Igbo people represented by the protagonist Okonkwo and some others. This paper will show how the disintegration of that community creates an irreversible condition for the protagonist. Okonkwo can neither change society nor himself. Consequently, his death is inevitable. However, the disintegration is expressed in many ways in the novel. Initially, the disorder is found on the personal level; gradually the whole community surrenders before it after the arrival of the colonisers with their government and religion.

About the Author

Subrata Biswas is an Assistant Professor at City College, Kolkata. He co-edited Peacocks in a Dream: An Anthology of Contemporary Indian English Verse. He also translated a poetry collection named The Journey. He wrote several research articles in both English and Bengali published in Spring Magazine on English Literature, Erothanatos, Kinshuk and Mukh. His areas of interest are Modern European literature, folklore and literary philosophy. Email:

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